Early each morning, I let my dogs out to run for a little while, as they explore the area around the house and do their "business". They never go far and always come when I call for them.
However, this morning I looked out the window and noticed they had returned rather quickly. When I went outside, I realized why.
*First, someone was hunting VERY close to my house either on our property or on protected national forest early this morning.
*Second, some disgusting despicable hunter was so desperate to KILL something, apparently ANYTHING, they took the life of a very young and very small deer. Compare the size of the deer head to the size of my dog's head.
The head was very cleanly dismembered from the body, which could only have been done with a saw. Perhaps to destroy the evidence that they had killed a BABY?
The old "I killed it for the meat" line won't work on this one boys. This little one wouldn't feed a family of four.
I can't even find the words for the disgust I feel for the person who would do this. I have three dogs that could resemble deer in the woods and one that would easily pass for a medium sized bear cub. How do I know this blood thirsty killer wouldn't kill them for the thrill too? There isn't that much difference........
So, as if this wasn't enough to really piss me off, the story gets better. I wanted to wash the fresh deer blood off of my yard. I got the hose and when I reached down to turn the faucet on, there was a small SNAKE coiled up right under it! For obvious reasons, I don't have a photo of that. I ran to get the hoe, but of course, when I got back, it was gone.
So, here I am, it's not even 9:00am, and I am wondering what the rest of the day will bring. But I can assure you it won't involve dressing up or shopping or a nice lunch or any of those other things I dreamed about doing when I got old and no longer worked.............but kudos to those of you who will be doing this!
However, I bet your pictures can't compete with mine!
Love and peace to all.......except the hunters! :-)