A year ago, almost to the date, my niece Janae (who is often my traveling companion) wanted to go see fellow Arkansan and UCA student, Kris Allen, in the finals of American Idol. We applied for tickets in both of our names, thinking it would increase our chances of receiving them. Very naive of us!
We both received notices indicating there were so many requests, we would be placed on a "wait list". The show came and went, we heard nothing more, so basically, we both forgot all about it.
That is, until the night of May 20th last week when an email showed up in my niece's inbox, indicating the tickets she had requested for the finale (ONE YEAR AGO!) had been awarded and she needed to respond immediately if she still wanted them. She called and asked if I still wanted to go.......of course I did! One small detail: the voucher we received didn't guarantee us a ticket. It guaranteed us a place in line with 7000 other people in hopes of actually GETTING a ticket. So it was a gamble, but we were ready to take it.
We had three days to put a trip to Los Angeles together, so I called the best travel agent I know, my sweet hubby Dennis, who was about to board a plane for his next pre-draft scouting destination. This is the busiest, most hectic month of his job and probably the worst possible time to add to his "to do" list, but he understood we wanted to give this a shot and he was able to get us plane tickets, a hotel, and a car and driver within the hour before he boarded his plane.
So Monday, we headed to California for a whirlwind, very-little-sleep and a lot of standing-in-line trip.
We explained that we had to go stand in line the following morning with the voucher in hopes of actually getting a "real" ticket and they asked if they could accompany us and film while we were in line. The following morning (Tuesday) the Las Vegas Fox people called and we agreed to meet at the line that was forming at the LA Convention Center. When we arrived (4 hours before actual ticket time) the line was already two blocks long. The first people in line told us they had been there since 5:00am, in addition to driving 6 hours to get there! For the record, we saw on the news that people who wanted tickets for the Wednesday performances slept on the sidewalk all night to make sure they got a place in line.....interesting shots of people dressed in evening clothes, sleeping on blankets and chairs along the sidewalk.
The 3-page list of bluntly written instructions we had received was very specific (in all caps!) that we could be denied entry if we brought a camera or cell phone, so unfortunately, I have no photos from this day. A few brave souls brought their phones in.....but they lived in the area and didn't have as much at risk as we did if they got kicked out.
Somehow, out of the 7000 or so people in the blocks-long line, they picked 53 people to be the live audience for the TV Guild Channel's pre-Idol red Carpet Show. Once again, we got very lucky to be picked for this group! They hand placed us where they wanted us to be and Janae and I were put next to the interview platform.
Lady luck seemed to be in our corner Tuesday.
We met three lovely women who were from California that we were fortunate enough to stand next to in line, we placed next to at the TV Guide taping, and got to sit next to in the Nokia Theater. You meet the nicest people in the most unusual circumstances!
The producer picked one person out of the 53 to do a live interview segment of the show, and that person turned out to be JANAE! We didn't get to see the broadcast, but from the calls and text messages she received from friends and family who did see it, it sounded like she did a really good job.
We met three lovely women who were from California that we were fortunate enough to stand next to in line, we placed next to at the TV Guide taping, and got to sit next to in the Nokia Theater. You meet the nicest people in the most unusual circumstances!
The producer picked one person out of the 53 to do a live interview segment of the show, and that person turned out to be JANAE! We didn't get to see the broadcast, but from the calls and text messages she received from friends and family who did see it, it sounded like she did a really good job.
After standing on our feet continually for about six hours in the hot sun (we both got sunburned!), we ended up on the 23rd row, center section, of the Nokia Theater, so we had excellent seats for the performances of Lee and Crystal Tuesday night.
As they often do in life, our "ah-ha" moments came when we least expected them. Monday night, we took a walk in the LA Live area just outside of our hotel. You just never know who you are going to run in to in Los Angeles.......
We got home late Wednesday night, and as fate would have it, we completely missed the results show while we were flying. But we both predicted (on camera) three different times that Lee would win, in spite of the fact Crystal blew the doors off of her performances on Tuesday night. Of the thousands of people gathered there, with tickets and without, the support for Lee was probably 3-1 over Crystal. Lots of older women with "COUGARS LOVE LEE" signs and lots of pre-teens screaming their undying love for him. Kind of hard for a hippie-chick single mom to get that kind of following, despite her unbelievable reincarnation of Janis Joplin.
As my niece very eloquently put it to me last year before the finals of Idol when I told her there was no way sweet little Kris Allen could compete with the singing, acting, and stylistic performance of Adam Lambert:
Probably the best assessment of American Idol I have heard.
Back to reality for me..........love to you all!