Tuesday, July 28, 2009

My Porch

I love the view from my porch, early in the morning after the rain comes, which these days isn't very often. But this morning was one of those special times.

If you go out when the sun is coming up but before humans have had time to destroy the ambience with their noise and clutter and traffic, you see other mountains on the horizion and low hanging clouds over the tiny town below. The only sounds you hear are the ones nature created for you, with a little percussion added by a log or chicken truck grinding its way through the mountains.

My porch reminds me of a tree house....a tree house that I can't ever seem to finish. I have been painting on it for almost two years and I always come up with some excuse for not completing it. Some excuses are legitimate....my mother getting sick a few months after I began the project, conditions too cold in the winter or too hot in the summer, etc. There seems to be something preventing me from painting on it every day when the conditions are perfect. Sometimes, I will seek out another project that needs my attention inside, just to avoid painting.

I am beginning to wonder if I really WANT it finished? I am one of those irritating people who must have a project going at all times. My husband tells me this is because I never learned the art of relaxing. I have avoided thinking about what happens when the porch is actually finished..........

But that is silly. In a 43-year old house on top of a mountain in the middle of woods, a house that sat abandoned more often than it has had occupants, there is ALWAYS something that needs to be done.

I just need to get off of this computer and go do it!